Someone: Good evening. I want to ask for advice. I don’t know what to do and where to turn, how to draw attention to this problem. The fact is that in the new institute at KFU (Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology) a complete mess is going on. Many students are expelled right and left. When entering the first year, there were 4 groups of dentists, in each group there were 28-30 people, and 8 groups of the medical faculty each had 25 people. after the first course, after the autumn additional session, because many were unable to pass the test on the anatomy, many were expelled. There are 3 groups of dentists left, a maximum of 16 people in the group, and 5 groups of medical specialists. and I don’t know how many are expelled among cybernetics and biochemists. The attitude of teachers towards students is generally terrible. When passing the modules, tests and exams, if the teacher did not like you, then consider that you did not pass. They come to couples at the beginning, arrange independent work, leave to disassemble the material themselves and leave, come 5 minutes before the end, ask if there are questions (BUT! At the same time, when you ask something, they answer that you need to read carefully, and in the textbook everything is written). Naturally, when your questions are answered this way, the desire to ask something disappears. The teachers themselves do not explain anything, they all say at once that we students should study everything ourselves. And this is in MEDICAL! I believe that teachers should pass on their experience through explanations, show how and how important this profession is, to awaken the student’s desire and love for this profession, and not to beat the student away, since he still chose to teach at a medical university. There is no stable textbook on subjects, especially on histology and anatomy. There are no textbooks for the medical faculty in the library. Have to buy. each teacher has different preferences in textbooks. and naturally, there are many types of textbooks, and various information in them. it is especially difficult to take exams when you say that you prepared according to one textbook, and in response they shout “your problems, you needed to use a different textbook” .. We already buy textbooks ourselves, all the more they cost less than 1000 rubles. It turns out we need to buy only one subject for several textbooks? The question is then, where does our money go, and yet we do not have budget places and everyone pays from 110,000 and more. If you calculate how much money they receive only at the expense of one course, then a very huge amount is obtained. They know how to rip off money, but how to train it properly! !! if you don’t pay for your studies before a certain deadline, you are threatened with deductions. As for the exams, tests and modules, in comparison with other universities, the difference in attempts to pass the exams is enormous. After the introduction of the new training system, we have left a very small number of attempts. At the same time they ask very harshly, even despite the fact that they themselves do not explain anything. Now the winter session is going on, there are very few of us left, and we all continue to be expelled and expelled for not passing this or that exam. It’s a shame for the guys who had very high scores on admission, but were recently expelled. I know how they prepared, how they taught everything. but, alas, they were overwhelmed .. At the video conference, the director of IFMiB said: "we want to let out only very good specialists, so we filter out the weak." I agreed with this until I found out how my classmate was able to close the histology test. in the list at admission he had the lowest score on the exam. And judging by his attitude to study, I can say with confidence that 70 percent of all students (expelled and those who still cannot close the histology test) know more than he does! the question now is whether they really want to release “good” specialists? many students want to transfer to other universities, BUT! because IFMiBa does not have accreditation (and transfer to the same course in which it was studied is carried out only from an accredited university to an accredited one) greatly complicates the task. You can only go to another university if you have lost years of study and so much money, i.e. start training only from the first course. Upon receipt, no one was notified of the accreditation of IFMiB. What do we do?? Help me please!!!

The tradition of teaching economics at Kazan University has more than 200 years. The study and teaching of economic sciences began in the first years of the university’s existence, that is, in 1804.

Currently, the Economics direction at Kazan Federal University includes more than 2,400 students and 11 graduating departments, where several hundred employees and teachers work.

Our mission - training promising highly qualified specialists in the field of economics, with modern fundamental knowledge, able to think strategically and creatively, make effective management decisions, develop their intellectual and scientific research potential and are ready for practical implementation of the knowledge gained in science, management, production and business.

goal - the creation of an educational, organizational and methodological environment that provides training for highly qualified personnel in the field of economics, management and finance.

The Bachelor's Center "Economics" provides training for students in the areas of "Economics" (bachelor's degree) and "Economic Security" (specialty).

Training in the proposed undergraduate "Economics" profiles, specializing in "Economic Security" makes it possible:

To develop the research and analytical skills necessary for the preparation and adoption of managerial decisions in the field of economics and finance;

Gain professional knowledge in the field of effective economic management at the micro and macro levels, regional and local budgets, and foreign economic activity that promote career growth;

To systematize the acquired knowledge and learn to find effective solutions in the system of regional and municipal economic management and any business situation.

After the second course, the undergraduate program "Economics" involves the distribution of students by profiles, which are called upon to form special competencies in students and prepare them for professional activities.

Banking and modern financial technologies;

Accounting, analysis and audit;

Corporate finance;

Taxes and taxation;

Property valuation;

World economy;

Regional economy;

Public finance;

Economics of enterprises and organizations.


Stocks and bods market.

More information about the departments can be found.

The key to quality education is the high qualification of the faculty. Teaching disciplines is conducted by professors and associate professors of Kazan Federal University.

A strong teaching staff created all the conditions in order not only to get a classical education and basic knowledge, but also to become a truly first-class specialist in their field. Modern teaching methods, high-quality presentation of the material and the deep relationship of theory and practice are integral elements of the educational process.

Almost all students after graduation are employed in a specialty, which is facilitated by the administration of the Institute and which is one of the basic principles of the development of the Institute.

The presentation provides more detailed information about the Center for Undergraduate Economics.