(453 words) Nikolai Nekrasov can not be attributed to the only profession, in his work he was multifaceted: he was fond of prose, and poetry, and journalism. Therefore, his personality is very multifaceted, and the life path is a thorny and diverse.

The writer was born on November 28, 1821 in the Podolsk province in Nemirov. His parents - Alexey Nekrasov and Elena Zagrevskaya - had a different social status and inventory, so their marriage was not blessed by parents. However, this did not prevent them from creating a large family, in which the future writer was born and 13 more children.

Life in the house could not be called careless and happy. The cruelty and the despotic of the father was contrary to the tenderness and consistency of the mother, conflicts arose, who left the mark in the life and work of the poet.

Youth and education

The formation of Nekrasova began at the age of 11 years with admission to the gymnasium. After a couple of years, he begins to compose his first satirical poems. However, the gymnasium did not accept such creativity, so in 1837, Nekrasov was forced to leave the institution and move to St. Petersburg.

There the writer was in front of the choice: education or military service. Father Nekrasova, being a military person himself, insisted on a military career and put the son of an ultimatum - either military service or deprivation of material assistance. Son chose education. As it was promised, the poet lost material support, and, moreover, did not enroll in the university. Then he became the fulfillment of the philological faculty.

History of success

Once in a difficult material situation, Nekrasov is forced to find ways to secure existence. So he begins to order to write petitions and complaints to have at least some funds.

After such a difficult period of life, luck is still smiling at the poet. In 1846, Nekrasov, together with his friend I. Panayev, bought the Magazine "Contemporary", where I. Goncharov, I. Turgenev, F. Dostoevsky and others began their way. Unstable situation in the country, changes in the format of censorship and the murder of Emperor Alexander II inexorably led the magazine to closure.

The next referee of the author became "domestic notes". During this period, the famous works of the writer are published in the world - "Who lives well in Russia", "Russian women", "grandfather", in which the author raises such topical problems as devotion, love for the motherland, the values \u200b\u200bof freedom and happiness.

Personal life

In the personal life of the writer, 3 women left their mark. The strongest love, it is believed, he fell to the wife of Ivan Panayev - Avdwirl Panayeva. A fear of Avdoti and Nicholas was born a son, which soon died. After this tragedy, the beloved diverged. Then Nekrasov went to Paris with actress Celine Lefren, but after some time leaves her and returns to his homeland.

Later in his fate there appears a simple village girl Focla Viktorova, who becomes the only legitimate wife.


In 1875, Nekrasov detected severe illness - intestinal cancer. In 1877 on January 8, the writer dies in St. Petersburg.

Nikolai Nekrasov introduced a truly significant contribution to Russian literature. Being a witness to peasant life, he was able to most truthfully describe events in the country. Due to this, he received the informal status of the most close to the people of the writer.

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Biography Nekrasov

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was born on November 28, 1821 (on December 10 for a new style) in the Podolsk province. The father of the future great poet was a very powerful person with a complex character. It is noteworthy that the mother Nekrasov, Elena Zagrevskaya, married against the will of his parents. She was a sophisticated, perfectly brought up by a girl who spoke a poor and poorly educated officer.

Still right were the parents of Elena Zvarevskaya: her family life was afraid. Nikolai Nekrasov, remembering their childhood, often compared his mother with a martyr. He even dedicated her many beautiful poems. As a child, the classic of Russian poetry was also the tyranny of his cruel and power-loving parent.

Nekrasov had 13 brothers and sisters. As a child, Nikolai Nekrasov has repeatedly witnessed the cruel dissection of his father over the fortress peasants. During his travelings in the villages, Alexei Nekrasov often took little Nicholas with him. In the eyes of the boy, the peasants beaten to death. These sad paintings of the hard life of the Russian people deeply lay down in his heart, and they later found a reflection in his work.

The father of the poet dreamed that Nikolai would go to his footsteps and will be the military and at the age of 17 sent him to the capital of Russia to determine the nobility regiment, however, the future classic had an insurmountable desire to continue his education. He did not make the threats of the Father to deprive him of its content, and entered the freelancer at the Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg University. Years of students remembered Nekrasov. It was a time of poverty and deprivation. He did not even have money to dine normally. Once Nikolay Alekseevich even lost her bed and at the end of November found himself on the street, sick and devoid of livelihoods. On the street over him, one passerby was settled and took him to the night, where even Nekrasov earned 15 kopecks, writing someone to someone.

Gradually, life began to improve, and Nekrasov learned to earn a living by writing small articles, the composition of romantic poems and the creation of frivolous watervals for the Alexandrian theater. He even started to appear savings.

In 1840, a collection of verses of Nekrasov "Dreams and Sounds" was published. The famous critic Belinsky so criticized his poems that Nikolai Alekseevich rushed to buy and destroy the whole circulation. Now this publication is a bibliographic rarity.

Nekrasov led the magazine "Contemporary" for a long time and under his skillful leadership the publication became very popular among the reading public.

Here and in personal life there have been change. Back in the 40s, the critic Belinsky brought Nekrasov to visit the famous writer Panayev. His spouse of Avdota Panayev was considered very attractive in literary circles, she had a lot of fans. At one time, even Fyodor Mikhailovich himself, Dostoevsky sought her location, but he was denied. But with Nekrasov, they had a relationship. He managed to knock off Panayev's spouse.

Being a fairly adult man and a famous writer, Nekrasov was addicted to the game. It is worth noting that his grandfather in his father's line at one time lost his entire condition in the card. It turns out that the passion for the game was transferred to Nikolai Nekrasov inherited.

In the 50s of the XIX century, he often began to visit the English club, where the game was held. When Avdota Panayev noticed that this game dependence could lead to a planning result. Nikolai Alekseevich noticed to her, he never plays the card, because he plays with people who have no long nails.

In the life of Nekrasov was a curious case. His one day beat one Writer-Belletrist Afanasyev-Khzhinsky, who was famous for long well-groomed nails. By the way, at that time many men wore long nails. It was a sign of aristocracy and was considered exquisite. So, I sat down Nekrasov to play with a flesh party to the card "on a little bit". While the game went to the small bets, the author of the poem "Who in Russia live well" won and rejoiced that Afanasyev-Khrybinsky so goodly looked at him for lunch. But when the rates decided to raise, then Fortuna suddenly turned away from the poet and turned to Belletrist. As a result, Nekrasov lost a thousand rubles (a very large amount for those times). As it turned out later, Nekrasov was cruelly deceived. Afanasyev-Khrybinsky managed to mark the crap card with its beautiful and long nails. It turns out that Nikolai Alekseevich became a victim of an ordinary simulator, and he would seem to be a writer, a cultural person.

Every year, Nekrasov postponed about 20,000 rubles to the game - huge, I must say money. In the process of the game, he increased this amount several times, and then the game began at very large rates. It is worth noting that over time the classic and he himself mastered some shoe techniques, which spared him well from time to time and did a very successful player who did not know the loss.

So this picture is presented: a classic comes home after a busy game, where he won many thousands of rubles, sits down at the table and writes:

Late fall. Grachics flew away, the forest was exposed, the fields were empty,

Just do not compress the strip alone ... She brings the sad Duma.

It seems to whisper the ears of each other: "Bored for us to listen to the autumn blizzard,

Bored leaving until the earth, fat grains used in dust!

Us that neither night ruin the villages of all the spanious voracious birds,

The hare of us is a bay, and the storm beats us ... Where is our PAKAR? What else is waiting for?

Or we got worse than others? Or chosenly bloom-made?

Not! We are no worse than others - and a long time ago in us and ripened grain.

Not for the same smelled, he sowed the wind autumn dispelled us? .. "

The wind carries them a sad answer: - There is no ureny's pagaris.

He knew for what he smelled and sowed, but he could not work forces.

Bad poor fellow - does not eat and does not drink, the worm of his heart sick sucks,

Hands that the grooves brought these, dried in a sin, hung like a whip.

As in the hustle, wearing a hand, Pakhaar thoughtfully walked the band.

Like all gambling, Nekrasov was a very superstitious man. Once his personal superstitions turned around the real tragedy. Ignatius Piotrovsky, who worked together with Nekrasov in the Publishing House "Contemporary", turned to Nikolay Alekseevich with a request to lend him a certain amount of money. But, unfortunately, Nekrasov refused him: a large game was planned, and one's money to think about the game was considered a very bad admission. Piotrovsky threatened that in case of refusal, the life of suicide will end, but Nekrasov remained adamant. As a result, the petitioner pretended his threat to life - let himself a bullet in his forehead. This case of Nekrasov then recalled all his remaining life, and very regretted that he did not come to help in a difficult moment.

Women Nekrasov

In the life of Nekrasov there were several women. He loved a luxurious lifestyle and tried not to deny himself. For more than 16 years he lived in marriage with Avdota Panayeva, and with her legitimate husband. Such a "Triple Union" lasted up to the death of a legitimate spouse.

It is worth noting that the beauty of Avdota Panayev did not immediately respond to the courting of persistent and fervent Nikolai Alekseevich. Ivan Panayev - her spouse, literally after a year of living together, completely ceased to pay attention to her and began to spend time with friends and easily accessible women. The wife turned out to be completely nobody necessary.

Nekrasov had long care for her, but could not achieve favor. Avdota Yakovlevna did not believe in the sincerity of his feelings. Once Nekrasov Counts her by Neva and threatened her that in the event of a refusal he would jump into the river, and he could not swim at all, so he would certainly drown. Panayeva only crushed contemptuously, and Nekrasov did not fail immediately to convert his threat to life. Avdote Yakovlevna in horror began to scream, the poet was saved and she finally answered his courtship.

In 1846, the spouses of Panayev and Nekrasov together spent the summer and on arrival in St. Petersburg settled together in the same apartment. In 1849, Nekrasov and Avdots were waiting for the child and wrote the novel "three sides of the world" together, unfortunately, the boy was born very weak and soon died.

Nekrasov was a very jealous and passionate man. The attacks of furiousness had replaced by the periods of Black Melancholy and Handra. In the end, they. In 1864, Avdota Yakovlevna married the criticism of Golowachev and gave birth to a daughter.

Nekrasov converges with the French Franior of Celina Lefren. This windy woman helped Nekrasov to drain most of his condition and returned to her homeland, to Paris.

The last woman in the life of the classic of Russian literature was Fkel Anisimovna Viktorova.
By that time, Nekrasov had already been strongly addicted to alcohol. Six months before his death, he was married with nineteen-year-old Fekla. The girl he called Zinaida remained with him until his death, which came on December 27, 1877. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov died of a rectal cancer.

The name of one of the bright writers of the XIX century is familiar to everyone. Such works as "to whom in Russia live well" and "Grandfather Mazay and hare" are part of the school program of each modern student. Biography Nekrasov includes information known to all admirers of his creativity.

For example, it is considered not only a poet, but also a publicist. This is a revolutionary democrat, head and editor of the journal "Patrican notes" and "Contemporary". Lovers of card games and hunting. Biography Nekrasov knows many other interesting facts. Our article is dedicated to them.

Who is he?

The hometown of the future poet was Ukrainian Nemirov, in which he was born in 1821. Nikolai Nikolai Alekseevich was born in the family of a military personnel and a good tenant's well-supporting daughter. According to the memoirs of the poet, the marriage of the parents was not happy. Mother has always praised the sufferer experiencing his female share. She dedicated a lot of works writer. Perhaps her image is the only positive hero of the world of Nekrasov, which he swears through all his creativity. Father will also become a prototype of individual heroes, but more despotic.

Education and formation

After the departure of the father's retirement, Alexey Sergeevich became corrector - so before the police chapter was called. Little Nikolai often leaving him on business. At this time, he saw a lot of deaths and poverty. Subsequently, the complexity of the peasant people in their poek reflected the writer of Nekrasov.

In Yaroslavl gymnasium, he will learn until the 5th grade. The first poems will be written in a specially instituted notebook. Most early works of the poet are saturated with sad images and impressions. When he is 17 years old, his father, who dreamed of a military career, will send her son to the noble regiment.

The first independent decision of Nekrasov was the desire to enter the St. Petersburg University. This was facilitated by acquaintance with students who became good friendlies. He failed the exam by posting the Faculty of Faculty as a freelancer. Within two years, Nekrasov visits lectures and does not throw out the search for work - the angry Nekrasov-senior refused to help him materially. During this period, the poet is experiencing terrible suffering, remaining without bed, and even hungry. In a nightnight shelter for 15 kopecks, he wrote for someone's petition. It became the first episode of his life when the future profession brought money.

Searches for your direction

Detention was not gone for a writer. He realized that such a life burden. The life of Nekrasov was soon improved. The "literary newspaper" printed his works, and he himself worked hard in all directions: wrote waterville, alphabets, poems and prose.

The first collection of poems "dreams and sounds" of Nekrasov released on its own savings. Criticism about the book shared robust - some considered her praise, others respond unflattering. Like Gogol, annoyed Nekrasov bought, and after destroyed almost all of its copies. Nowadays, "dreams and sounds" acquired the status of a literary rarity, which is extremely difficult to find.

For failure it follows recognition

The fact that the poems did not bother, forced the writer to think, examine the cause of his defeat. Nikolai Nikolai Alekseevich discovered a new genre - prose. He was lighter. In it, the author reflects the life experience, the impressions of the city, where it seeks to show all his estates. This is a peddler, officials, deceived women, uplovers and poor people. Without stopping at the achieved, Nekrasov introduces a humorous subtext that has become the basis of several subsequent works.

The creative ascent of the writer falls on the release of their own almanacs. The life of Nekrasov does not seem to him without publishing activities, which he connects with the rental of "contemporary" in 1847. Many talented poets have passed into the journal, including Belinsky, who has always acquainted the first with the new works of Nekrasov and gave his feedback. For whom the "contemporary" became the starting platform, included: Turgenev, Ogarev, Ostrovsky, Chernyshevsky, Dobrolyubov, Saltykov-Shchedrin and others. Everyone contributed to his own, making the "contemporary" the best literary edition. Nekrasov himself is printed in him, remaining his leader.

Satire - a way to laugh at society

The creative path of the writer is invariably connected not only with searching for itself, but also other directions in which you can work. The biography of Nekrasov cannot bypass the love of the Love for Satire, which he opened in the late years of creativity. A number of satirical works came to the world. In this genre, the writer exposes social foundations, with subtlety describes topical topics, uses methods of sincere intonations and water-waters. In a word, he deftly uses the richness of the Russian language, applying grotesque, sarcasm, farce and irony.

At this time it is born "Who lives well in Russia." The poem of the peasant theme affects the main thought - feeling freedom, is the Russian people feel happiness? In 1875, the poet is ill. Telegrams and letters from readers come to him, which gives new inspiration for the latest works. A huge number of people came to the funeral at the Novodevichy cemetery. Among them was Dostoevsky, who called Nekrasov to the third writer after Pushkin and Lermontov. The dates of the life of Nekrasov - November 28, 1821 (born) - December 27, 1877 (died).

Personal happiness

What can be said about a person who felt and saw all the misfortunes of peasants and a working class, which has paid so much works? Was it happy he himself?

Of course, the biography of Nekrasov gives information that the poet loved by Avdot Panayev, the wife of the writer Ivan Panayev. Their relationship remained in history as one of the strange. And although Ivan Panayev walked his walk, his wife remained a decent woman. At first she rejected Nekrasov, and Dostoevsky, also in her loved. And soon confessed in the opposite feelings to the first. Nekrasov moved into her house, forming a love triangle Nekrasov-Panayev-Panayev. So they lived for 16 years. With the death of Panayev, the birth of the son of Nekrasov and his ambulance will be connected. The poet flows into depression, which served as a rupture of relations on the initiative of Avdoti.

A new chosen writer became a rustic girl Fkel Viktorov. The age difference was 25 years old. An uneducated woman, he gave the name of Zinaida. It leads her to theaters and tries to enlighten every way.

Place in literature

Each writer leaves his mark. Nikolai Nikolai Alekseevich was one of the bright authors of the XIX century, who was a lot of work, endowed with depth and philosophy in her legacy. His name is libraries, museums and other cultural institutions. In honor of the writer, the central streets of many Russian cities are named. He is devoted to monuments and postage stamps. According to many writers, his work was not assessed fully in his life. However, this loss is replenished in our time.

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Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov (1821 - 1877 (78)) - Classic of Russian poetry, writer and publicist. He was a revolutionary democrat, editor and publisher of the contemporary magazine (1847-1866) and the editor of the Public Notes magazine (1868). One of the most important and well-known works of the writer is the poem "Who in Russia live well."

early years

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was born on November 28 (December 10) of 1821 in the city of Nemirov Podolsk province in the wealthy family of the landowner. Children's years, the writer spent in the Yaroslavl province, the village of Greshnevo, in the genital estate. The family was more familiar - the future poet had 13 sisters and brothers.

At the age of 11, he entered the gymnasium, where he studied to grade 5. With study, young Nekrasov did not develop. It was during this period that Nekrasov begins to write its first poems of satirical content and record them in a notebook.

Education and the beginning of the creative way

The father of the poet was cruel and despotic. He deprived Nekrasov material assistance, when he did not want to enter military service. In 1838, in the biography of Nekrasov, there was a move to St. Petersburg, where he entered the Voltopser to the University of Faculty. In order not to die from hunger, experiencing great need for money, he finds part-time, gives lessons and writes poetry to order.

During this period, he became acquainted with the critic of Belinsky, which will subsequently will have a strong ideological influence on the writer. At 26, Nekrasov, together with the writer Panayev, bought the magazine "Contemporary". The magazine quickly became popular and had a significant impact in society. In 1862, the government was banned for his publication.

Literary activity

Having accumulated enough funds, Nekrasov makes a debut collection of his poems "dreams and sounds" (1840), which failed. Vasily Zhukovsky advised most of the poems of this collection to print without author. After that, Nikolai Nekrasov decides to move away from poems and prose, writes a story and stories. The writer is also engaged in the publication of some Almanakhov, in one of which Dostoevsky's debut debuted. The most successful almanac was "Petersburg Collection" (1846).

In 1847 - 1866 was the publisher and editor of the contemporary magazine, which worked the best writers of that time. The magazine was a focus of revolutionary democracy. Working in the "contemporary", Nekrasov produces several collections of their poems. The works of "peasant children", "Corustry" bring him wide fame.

On the pages of the contemporary magazine, such talents such as Ivan Turgenev, Ivan Goncharov, Alexander Herzen, Dmitry Grigorovich and others were opened. Already famous Alexander Ostrovsky, Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin, were printed in it, Gleb Uspensky. Thanks to Nicholas Nekrasov and his magazine, Russian literature found out the names of Fedor Dostoevsky and Lion Tolstoy.

In the 1840s, Nekrasov cooperates with the "domestic notes" magazine, and in 1868, after the closure of the magazine "Contemporannik", takes it from the publisher of Kraevsky for rent. With these magazine, the last ten years of the life of the writer were connected. At this time, Nekrasov writes the epic poem "Who in Russia live is good" (1866-1876), as well as "Russian women" (1871-1872), "Grandfather" (1870) - Poems about Decembrists and their wives, some more satirical Works whose vertex was the poem "Contemporaries" (1875).

Nekrasov wrote about suffering and the mountain of the Russian people, about the difficult life of the peasantry. He also introduced a lot of new things to Russian literature, in particular, in his works used a simple Russian speaking speech. This undoubtedly showed the richness of the Russian language, which went out of the people. In verses, he first began to combine satire, lyrics and elegic motives. Briefly speaking, the work of the poet made an invaluable contribution to the development of Russian classical poetry and literature as a whole.

Personal life

There were several love relationships in the poet's life: with the mistress of the literary salon Avdoti Panayeva, the Frenchman of Celina Lefren, a rustic girl Fökla Victorova.

One of the most beautiful women in St. Petersburg and the wife of the writer Ivan Panayev - Avdota Panayeva - liked many men, and young Nekrasov had to make a lot of effort to win her attention. Finally, they are confessed in love each other and begin to live together. After the early death of their common son, Avdota leaves Nekrasov. And he leaves for Paris with the French actress of the Theater of Celina Lefren, with whom he was familiar from 1863. She stays in Paris, and Nekrasov returns to Russia. However, their novel continues at a distance. Later, he meets a simple and uneducated girl from the village - Foekla (Nekrasov gives her the name Zina), with which they subsequently married. The writer is a writer Russian poetry

Nakrasov had a lot of novels, but the main thing in the biography of Nikolai Nekrasov a woman was not a legitimate wife, but Avdota Yakovlevna Panayev, whom he loved all his life.

last years of life

In 1875, the poet was discovered in intestinal cancer. In aging years before death, he writes the "latest songs" - the cycle of poems, which the poet devoted to his wife and the last love of Zinaida Nikolaevna Nekrasova. The writer died on December 27, 1877 (January 8, 1878) and was buried in St. Petersburg at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

Interesting Facts

· The writer did not like some of their own works, and he asked not to include them in the collections. But friends and publishers convinced Nekrasov not to exclude any of them. Perhaps, therefore, the attitude towards his work among critics is very controversial - not everyone considered his works ingenious.

· Nekrasov was fond of playing cards, and quite often he was lucky in this matter. Once, playing for money with A.Hhuzhinsky, Nikolay Alekseevich lost him a big amount of money. As it turned out later, the cards were marked with a long enemy's nail. After this incident, Nekrasov decided not to play with people who have long nails.

· Another passionate passion for the writer was hunting. Nekrasov loved to go to the bear, hunt to game. This passion found a response in some of its works ("Corobeinists", "Psovy Hunting", etc.) Once the wife of Nekrasov, Zina, during the hunt, accidentally shot his favorite dog. At the same time, the hobby of Nikolai Alekseevich hunt came the end.

· At the funeral of Nekrasov, a huge number of people gathered. In his speech, Dostoevsky honored Nekrasov to third place in Russian poetry after Pushkini Lermontov. The crowd interrupted him with shouts "yes above, above Pushkin!"

Posted on Allbest.ru.

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The work of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov is lyric and poetic. The value of its poems and poems is so great that they will excite many more generations.

In his views, the poet ranked herself to the Democrats, but the contemporaries ambiguously treated his ideas and views. Despite this, the great poet and the publicist left a poetic heritage after himself, which allows him to put in one row with the greatest classic writers. Nekrasovsky creativity is highly appreciated worldwide, and its works are translated into many languages.

The origin of the poet

It is known that Nikolai Alekseevich was a leaving of the family of the nobles, who lived once in the Yaroslavl province, where the grandfather of Poet Sergey Alekseevich Nekrasov lived for many years. But he had a little weakness, which, unfortunately, was passed and the father of the poet, the love of gambling. So easily Sergey Alekseevich was able to lose most of the capital of the family, and his children remained with a modest inheritance.

This led to the fact that Alexey Nekrasov, the father of the poet, became an army officer and wandered on garrisons. Once he met Elena Zagrevskaya, a girl rich and very pretty. He called her poll. Alexey made a proposal, but received a refusal, as parents prepared a more reliable and secured future for their daughter. But Elena Andreevna loved the poor officer, so the decision of the parents did not accept and the secret of them was married. Alexey Sergeevich was not rich, but did not disagree with all his big family.

When in 1821, the regiment of the lieutenant Alexei Nekrasov was standing in the Podolsk province, in the city of Nemirov, a boy Nikolai was born in the family. This event occurred on November 28.

It must be said that the marriage of the parents turned out to be unhappy, so the child suffered. When subsequently, the poet will remember his childhood years, then the image of the mother will always be sacrificial and suffering. Nikolai's mother saw the victim of coarse and even the depraved medium in which his father lived. Then he dedicates many poetic works by his mother, because it was something bright and gentle in his life. Nikolai's mother gave a lot to her children, whom she had thirteen. She tried as much as possible to surround them with warmth and love. All the surviving children are obliged to her by their formation.

But in his children's life there were other bright images. So, his reliable friend was a sister, with fate similar to the fate of the mother. She devoted her poems too.


All the childhood of Little Nikolai Nekrasov passed in the village of Greshnevo near Yaroslavl. The family settled in the estate of the grandfather when the poet was barely turned three years old.

From the small years, the future poet saw a fatheney with peasants who was brutally turned to his wife, and how often the boy's eyes were passed before the boy's eyes and changed fastener girls.

But the hobbies of the father women and cards forced him to take the place of charge. Driving around the villages and the villages to knock out arrears from the peasants, his father took Nicholas with him. Therefore, the poet from early childhood saw injustice and how big grief is experiencing a simple people. This will then become the main topic for its poetic works. Nikolai never changed its principles, did not forget the environment in which he grown.

As soon as Nicholas Nekrasov turned eleven years old, as he was given to the gymnasium of the city of Yaroslavl, where he studied five years. But unfortunately, the study was given to him badly, he did not have time in many subjects, and he also did not differ in good behavior. A lot of conflicts have arose with teachers, as he wrote his small poems of satirical content on them. At the age of sixteen, he decided to record these her poems in a homely thin notebook.


In 1838, Nikolai Nekrasov, who was almost seventeen years old, sent him to St. Petersburg so that he could serve in the shelf for the nobles. But here the desires of the Son and the Father broke up. My father dreamed of military service for his son, and the poet himself thought about literature, which fascinated every day more and more.

One day, Nikolai Nekrasov met his friend, Glushotsky, who was a student at that time. After communicating with a comrade, who told Nicholas about student life, about education, the young man finally decided not to associate his life with military affairs. Then Glushtsky introduced a friend with his other friends, the same students, and soon the poet had a huge desire to study at the university. Although the father was categorically against studies at the University Nikolai dismissed.

But the exams, unfortunately, he failed. It could not stop him, and he decided to become a free student who simply came to lectures and listened. He chose the Faculty of Philology, and he visited him over three years. But every year he was becoming harder, since his father did threatens and deprived him of material support. Therefore, most of the time Nikolai Nekrasov went to find at least some small work or even part-time job. Soon, the need turned out to be very strong, he could not even dine, and he could not pay for a removable small room. He fell ill, lived in slums, he fed in the cheapest canteens.

Writing activities

After deprivation, the life of a young poet gradually began to improve. At first he began to give private lessons, and this brought him a small but stable earnings, and then began to print his articles in literary magazines. In addition, he was given the opportunity to write and drove for the theater. At this time, the young poet worker worked on prose, sometimes writes poems. Publicistics becomes his favorite genre at this time. Then he himself will say:

"How much I worked!".

In his early works, romanticism is celebrated, although in the future, all Nekrasov's works critics and literatrities were realism. He became the young poet to appear their savings, which helped him release the first book of poems. But here only critics are not always his poetic works accepted violently. Many ruthlessly scolded a young poet and shamed him. For example, the most respected critic Belinsky, it was very cold and negligible to the creativity of Nekrasov. But there were those who praised the poet, considering his works by real literary art.

Soon the writer decides to refer to the humorous direction and writes several poems. And new successful changes occur in his life. Nikolai Nekrasov becomes an employee of one of the magazines. It gets closer to Belinsky's circle. It was the critic who had the strongest influence on an inexperienced publicist.

Publishing becomes his life and source of income. At first, he produces various almanacs, in which young, novice poets and writers and the real sharks of the pen were printed. He began to succeed so much in a new business for him, which, together with Panayev, acquires the popular magazine "Contemporary", and become his editors. At that time, began to be printed in it, which became famous, writers: Turgenev, Ogarev, Goncharov, Ostrovsky and others.

Poetic and prosaic prints on the pages of this literary magazine and Nikolai Nekrasov himself. But in 1850 he fell ill with the sorry of the throat, was forced to go to Italy. And when he returned, he saw that changes were coming in an enlightened society. As a result of all this, the writers who were printed in magazines were divided into two groups. Suggested and censorship bans.

Because of the bold publications, the magazine was made a warning. Power was afraid of the activities of writers. On the most dangerous masters of the pen was organized by a real opal. Many have fallen into the link. The activities of the "contemporary" was first suspended. Then, in 1866, the magazine was closed forever.

Nekrasov goes to work in the "Domestic Notes" magazine. It begins to produce an application to a magazine that has a satirical content.

Personal life of the poet

In their personal life, the poet had three women he loved and whom he mentioned in his will:

A. Panayev.
S. Lefren
Z.N. Nekrasov

Avdota Panayeva was married to another Nikolai Nekrasov. Their meeting occurred on literary evenings. Then the poet was 26 years old. Avdoty, though not immediately, Nikolai Nekrasov noticed and answered reciprocity. They began to live together, and even in the house where her legitimate husband lived. This union lasted as much as 16 years. In this strange union, a child is born, but he dies in the early years, and there is a breakdown between lovers and soon Avdota goes to another revolutionary poet.

From Celina Lefren Nikolai Nekrasov met by chance, since his sister lived with her at the apartment. For the summer, the poet stopped in this apartment. There was a small novel between young people.

At the age of 48, he met Fekla Victorova, who later became his wife. At the time of dating Fekle, there were only twenty-three years old, and she was from a simple rustic family. Nekrasov was engaged in her formation, and over time, the girl changed his name and began to call himself Zinaida Nikolaevna.

last years of life

In their last days and years, the publicist and the poet worked a lot. In 1875, he ill and in a medical examination it turns out that he has a cancer, which was impossible to heal.

After that, Nikolai Alekseevich for two years was chained to the bed regime. When in the literary environment, he learned about the serious illness of the writer, interest in him increased and his works began to enjoy success, fame and popularity. He was trying to support the kind words of many colleagues, he received letters and telegrams from all over Russia.

The poet died at the end of 1877 by the old style. About eight hours, in the evening, December 27th. At his funeral came a large number of people. Express tribute to the Great Writer and the poet wanted everyone who could attend the funeral.

Creativity of the classic, estimated by his life, remains a priceless gift after almost 140 years, and some works are affected by their relevance, modernity and significance.